BornLib's Blog

Life, Liberty, and the Firearms that protect them both

Archive for April 2012

Obama: The Road We’ve Traveled

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Bill Whittle and Andrew Klavan actually turned this into something worth watching.

Written by BornLib

April 27, 2012 at 9:18 pm

Posted in Video

A Story That Needs To Be Told

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Gun Rights Examiner: ‘Blood on their hands’ seeks to document truth about Fast and Furious

“We have launched our new film project ‘Blood on their Hands,” COPS (Citizen’s Organization for Public Safety) Productions CEO Mike McNulty writes in an email to friends and supporters introducing an effort to fund and produce  a documentary on government misdeeds resulting in Operation Fast and Furious “gunwalking” crimes.

This needs to happen.  I wish it could happen before the election, but that’s not realistic.

That said, the film may not get made. Funding for documentaries has always been difficult to obtain without well-resourced backers, and interest in the film community and among their foundation and individual benefactors in exposing the government’s part in sanctioning “gunwalking” is practically nonexistent. In order to deal with that reality, McNulty has turned to us.

He’s established a budget goal of $389,500 which he explains on a “Kickstarter” fundraising page where he’s soliciting individual contributors like you to back this project. Minimum donations start at $1, with progressive contributor thresholds and incentives.  It will only be funded if the budget goal is met by May 24, 11:33 pm EDT.  Importantly, because the question is a natural, albeit a pessimistic one, per Kickstarter policy, “if the project falls short no one is charged.”

I’m in for at least $50.  I might kick in more in a couple weeks.  Given the size of the 2nd Amendment community, there is no excuse for this to not be funded. At the time this was posted, the project has $224, mine included.

Written by BornLib

April 25, 2012 at 2:08 pm

Posted in Project Gunrunner

What media bias?

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You have got to love how the author of the article managed to shoehorn in both a mention about Obama’s 2008 election and the shooting of Trayvon Martin in an article about pending legislation that would make modifications to Ohio concealed carry laws which are completely unrelated.

From the Dayton Daily News:

Five bills currently pending in the Ohio General Assembly would allow permit holders to carry their weapons in state-owned parking garages — such as below the Ohio Statehouse — loosen permit renewal requirements, eliminate required gun safety training and background checks and automatically expand the system for recognizing CCW permits issued by other states.

Relevance of any of that legislation to the shooting of Trayvon Martin?  None!  Zero!  Jack squat!

HB 256 would eliminate background checks and gun safety classes required for concealed carry permits, while HB 422 would repeal the requirement that a permit holder who is pulled over in a traffic stop alert law enforcement that he or she has a loaded weapon.

“Those two are bad law in a significant way,” Biehl said.

The sponsors of the bills could not be reached.

Duchak said the HB 422 could put both law enforcement officers and permit holders at risk.

If an officer is not informed and sees a gun “that person is going to be getting drawn down on,” he said. “That potentially puts the CCW holder in jeopardy.”

“This bill not only keeps the officer unsafe but it is completely unsafe for the permit holder.”

As Officer Adrenaline was kind enough to demonstrate, there is nothing safe about the duty to inform.

As for the required instruction, given how many legal traps there are laying out there for the armed citizen in Ohio, maybe it’s too soon to get rid of this.  Eventually it does have to go, as should the need for a permit, as requiring a government issued permit to exercise a civil right is insane.

Hoover said Ohio is on a slippery slope by constantly expanding the boundaries of what is legally permissible.
“First, you arm everyone because they’re law-abiding. Then you give them permission to shoot and then you wonder why you have the results you have as in Florida,” said Hoover. “Law-abiding is not a permanent condition.”

Gun control advocates assume everyone is a criminal in-waiting.

And to think that they call NRA members paranoid.

“Clearly the highest right in America is the right to life,” said Biehl. “Are we willing to have that right placed at risk because we think someone should be able to ‘stand their ground?’ ”

Showing your back to a violent attacker is this man’s idea of life.  Somehow, he can say with a straight face, that we have a right to life, but no right to defend that life when attacked.

This quote about Duty To Retreat laws, attributed to Massad Ayoob, which was sadly not part of the DDN article, sums it up best: “Nobody yet has outran a bullet and they don’t tell you how you are supposed to do it.”

Written by BornLib

April 25, 2012 at 11:40 am

Everyone Was On Vacation!

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Richard Fernandez at PJMedia shares this disturbing bit of news:

The whole problem of explaining the present is so nettlesome that the European Union’s “House of European History” museum decided to omit the mention of World War 2 altogether by the simple expedient of declaring 1946 the Year Zero for European history. “It celebrates the creation of the EU with barely a nod to the crisis raging all around. France’s recent history is marked by a picture of the Tour de France, and Germany’s by the famous Berlin address by Barack Obama in 2008.”

Farcically, it’s been decided to omit any exhibit on which agreement cannot be reached. And because of their differing views about World War II, the museum will begin with an EU ‘year zero’ of 1946.

But of the unpleasantness of 1939-1945 it will only say that there was an event called the “European Civil War”, which presumably was fixed by the European Union, without the slightest input from things called the United States, the former Soviet Union, China and the Empire of Japan.

The museum in question will be in Brussels, but I still couldn’t help but remember this bit from Family Guy (sorry I couldn’t find a higher quality vid):

Written by BornLib

April 19, 2012 at 9:07 pm

Posted in Liberalism, Video

Stand Your Ground Is True Blue

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Big Government: ‘Stand Your Ground’ The Law In Blue California Too

As we’ve seen, there have been a number of Democrats in state offices who’ve not only signed stand your ground bills into law but have actually defended those bills when gun-grabbers protested.

To date, Democrat governors who have either signed a stand your ground bill into law or at least refused to veto it include, “Kathleen Blanco of Louisiana, Jennifer Granholm of Michigan, Brian Schweitzer of Montana, John Lynch of New Hampshire, Brad Henry of Oklahoma, Phil Bredesen of Tennessee, Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Janet Napolitano of Arizona.”
And here’s the kicker folks—California, one of the most staunchly liberal states in the union, is a stand your ground state.

And SaysUncle does not let us not forget about New York:

One clarification on New York law. New York does have the common law duty to retreat from an affray, but under New York Law you’re permitted to use deadly force, with no duty to retreat, to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.

Actually Sebastian has a whole crowd-sourcing project going on No Duty To Retreat states.  The thought that Ohio is behind California in this respect is disconcerting to say the least.

Sebastian also put together a very interesting article about the traditions of common law that form the basis of self defense laws such as Castle Doctrine and Stand Your Ground.

And to tie this into the “War on Women” business that is all the rage these days, we have this bit of information from Clayton Cramer:

I’m impressed how many of the cases that I have found so far involve women defending themselves from abusive intimate partners (and sometimes the reverse, as in State v. Glowacki (Minn. 2001))–and being charged because they didn’t leave their own homes rather than use deadly force.

Written by BornLib

April 18, 2012 at 1:58 pm

Video: Axelrod on the Economy

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“A gaffe is when a politician tells the truth – some obvious truth he isn’t supposed to say.” –  Michael Kinsley

Written by BornLib

April 15, 2012 at 2:13 pm

Posted in Video

“I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.”

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The Constitution of most of our states (and of the United States) assert that all power is inherent in the people; that they may exercise it by themselves; that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed.

– Thomas Jefferson

Written by BornLib

April 13, 2012 at 7:49 pm

OSU Police Draw Their Weapons On And Detain Peaceful Protester For Being Conspicuously Unarmed

leave a comment » Police Detain OSU Student for Participating in Empty Holster Protest

Newbern, the president of Buckeyes for Concealed Carry, was taken forcibly into police custody just after 8:30 p.m., while he was standing at the front of the crowd wearing an empty holster, which was clearly visible on his belt, and with his hands crossed in front of his chest.

A police report released on Thursday indicates two officers drew their firearms before approaching Newbern and removing him from the vigil. They searched and questioned Newbern and confiscated his personal belongings, including his empty holster and camera case, before placing him handcuffed in the back of a cruiser for 30 minutes.

Apparently on campus you not only give up your Second Amendment rights, but your First Amendment rights as well.

Written by BornLib

April 7, 2012 at 1:17 pm